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Injured Workers' Rights Blog

How To Appeal Denied Workers Comp Claims In California

Posted by Emily Ruby | Oct 07, 2023 | 0 Comments

In California, more than 16,000 individuals annually face the challenge of navigating through the Workers' Comp Appeals Process. If you find yourself in this situation, take comfort in knowing that there is a glimmer of hope.

You might wonder how to navigate these rough waters or who can guide you through them. This post will help answer those questions and more about the appeals process when faced with a denied workers' compensation claim.

We're going to dive into the role insurance companies play when denying claims. We'll also look at how the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board fits into this picture. Finally, we will explore why obtaining legal counsel after a work injury can be beneficial.

Table of Contents:

Understanding the Workers' Compensation Claim Process in California

If you've suffered a work injury, knowing your way around the workers' comp claim process is vital. In California alone, approximately 50,000 workers' compensation claims are filed each year. However, more than a third of these - upwards of 33% to be precise - get denied on their first review.

The Role of Insurance Companies in Workers' Compensation Claims

When you file a workers' comp claim after an injury at work, it's up to your employer's insurance company to evaluate and decide whether or not they'll pay out benefits. They look closely at medical records and any evidence provided that supports your case before making their decision.

But what happens if they deny your claim? When denied, the process can become quite complex for those dealing with workers' compensation claims.

Common Reasons for Workers' Compensation Claim Denial

Frequently seen reasons for denial include disputed facts about the accident itself or lack of medical evidence supporting the need for treatment. Some common issues leading to denials might surprise you:

  • Your employer disputes that the injury happened while on duty.
  • You didn't report your injury promptly enough - under California law; employees have only 30 days from knowledge of an illness or condition linked to employment activities (DIR CA Government).
  • Lack of witnesses can sometimes lead insurers to question how valid an incident was if nobody else saw it happen (but don't worry too much about this one - it's just one factor among many).

What if your workers' comp claim gets denied? You don't need to accept that as the final decision. There's an appeal process you can follow, and it starts with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB).

Initiating An Appeal With The WCAB

Don't lose heart if your compensation claim got denied. There's still a chance. You can file an appeal to challenge the decision.

Key Takeaway: 

Getting hurt at work in California? Don't be surprised if your workers' comp claim gets denied the first time around. It's common, but don't lose hope. If you've got medical evidence and a valid case, there's an appeal process to help turn things around. Start with the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board.

When a workers' comp application is refused, it doesn't signify the end of your quest. You can appeal this decision through the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). Each year, around 30,000 appeals are filed with WCAB. WCAB handles these comp appeals and guides injured workers like you throughout this process.

Initiating an Appeal with the WCAB

The first step in contesting a denied workers' comp claim is to file an initial appeal with the WCAB. This begins what can often be a several months-long appeal process.

To start your comp appeal, you need to fill out specific forms available from WCAB's district offices or their website. After filling out and signing these forms accurately - pay close attention here because any mistakes could cause more delays - you then submit them back to one of their district offices either by mail or in person.

Once they receive your application for reconsideration filed against a judge issue order denying benefits or another final order affecting rights under California law on compensation benefits matters, it's reviewed thoroughly. The time frame varies but generally takes about 20 days after the submission date before there's any update on the status of the case review (California Labor Code Section 5900).

Understanding the Role of a Compensation Judge during an Appeal

Once your appeal case has been reviewed and accepted by WCAB, it's assigned to a workers' compensation judge. This person plays a crucial role in determining whether your claim should be reconsidered.

The judge is responsible for reviewing all the evidence you present, which might include medical records or newly discovered evidence that wasn't available during the initial consideration of your comp claim. They will also listen to arguments from both sides - you and the insurance company - and make sure each party gets their fair chance at presenting their side.

At times, after a thorough review, they might see value in the reasons given.

Key Takeaway: 

When your workers' comp claim gets denied, don't lose hope. You can start an appeal with the California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB). Be meticulous when filling out their forms because errors could cause delays. Once WCAB accepts your case, a judge will review all evidence and listen to both sides before making a decision.

Legal Assistance for Workers' Compensation Appeals

Appealing a denied workers' compensation claim can be like trying to navigate an unfamiliar city without a map. It can be maddeningly perplexing and disorienting to attempt to challenge a rejected workers' comp claim without the right guidance. That's where the expertise of a workers' compensation attorney comes into play.

The Role of a Workers' Compensation Lawyer in an Appeal

A workers' comp lawyer is your personal guide through this daunting process, helping ensure you don't miss crucial steps or deadlines. They understand the nuances of California work injury law better than anyone else.

Your attorney will start by reviewing why your initial claim was denied - perhaps due to incomplete medical records or discrepancies in reported details about the accident. By understanding these reasons upfront, they are better equipped to address them during appeal proceedings effectively.

An experienced compensation lawyer, who has walked many clients through appeals before yours, knows how critical it is to present new evidence at this stage if possible - think newly discovered medical reports or witness testimonies which strengthen your case.

Selecting the Right Workers' Compensation Attorney

Finding someone with vast experience specifically in workers' comp claims should be priority number one when choosing legal representation for an appeal case. This ensures that they have both theoretical knowledge and practical insights derived from past cases handled under their belt.

But before you make that call, consider asking potential lawyers about their success rates with appeals and how often they've faced off against insurance companies in court. This will provide you with an idea of their courtroom proficiency, which is essential if your lawsuit progresses to trial.

Your attorney needs to explain things in a way you understand, because they'll be tackling complex legal terms and processes. They also need to answer your questions clearly. When it's time for them to argue on your behalf, their ability to communicate effectively becomes even more crucial.

Key Takeaway: 

Finding your way through a denied workers' comp claim can feel like being lost in an unfamiliar city. But don't worry, you're not alone. An experienced lawyer who's well-versed in California work injury law can be your guide. They'll dig into your case, identify why it was initially turned down and fix those problems during the appeal process. It's crucial to get someone on board who has specific expertise in dealing with workers' comp cases.

FAQs in Relation to Workers' Comp Appeals Process in California

How long does workers comp appeal take in California?

The appeals process for a denied workers' comp claim can span several months, depending on the complexity of your case.

Can you appeal a workers comp decision in California?

Absolutely. If your workers' compensation claim is rejected, you have the right to contest it through the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB).

How do I appeal a workers comp denial in California?

To start an appeal, file an Application for Adjudication with WCAB. This needs to be done within one year from your injury date or denial notice receipt.

How long does it take a judge to approve workers comp settlement in California?

Judges typically sign off on settlements within 30 days after both parties agree and submit their paperwork.


Navigating the Workers' Comp Appeals Process in California may seem like a daunting task. But remember, understanding is your best tool.

Insurance companies play an undeniable role in workers' comp claims. Yet, knowing why they deny claims can equip you for a potential appeal.

The WCAB? They're your lifeline when faced with claim denial. Their purpose? To ensure justice and fair treatment of all parties involved.

A lawyer's role cannot be underestimated either - their knowledge and expertise are crucial to navigate this complex process successfully.

For those who would like assistance from an experienced work injury attorney, give Greenberg and Ruby injury Attorneys a call. We're known for taking on difficult workplace injury cases and fighting to secure the maximum compensation possible. Obtain your free consultation today.

About the Author

Emily Ruby

2022 "Women in Law" Award Winner, Emily Ruby, specializes in complex cases, many of which involve catastrophic injuries and deaths. Mrs. Ruby has personally obtained more than $100 Million in compensation for her clients with an impressive 97.4% success rate and is a graduate of the prestigious CAALA Trial Academy. She was selected as one of Forbes' Best Wrongful Death Lawyers and is a writer for Advocate Magazine.


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