Traffic accident analysis has identified Downey, California as the location of several of the most perilous intersections in the state. A data visualization firm analyzed over 435,000 collision records from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System to compile a list of the 444 most dangerous intersections in California.

The study considered factors such as total number of crashes, injuries, and fatalities to assign each intersection a "danger score." Ranking fourth on this list is the intersection at Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard in Downey.
With 36 crashes and 32 injuries but no fatalities recorded, it received a danger score of 132.00 compared to an average score of 68.24. Downey is not alone in having hazardous intersections; it tied with Lancaster for third place with eleven entries on the list, trailing behind Sacramento's thirteen entries.
However, Los Angeles claimed first position by far surpassing Sacramento with a staggering count of 221 dangerous intersections. These findings shed light on areas that require attention and improvement to enhance road safety for motorists and pedestrians alike in these regions.
Table Of Contents:
- Understanding the Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard Intersection
- Factors Contributing to the Danger Score of the Intersection
- Analysis of the Intersection's Location and Surrounding Roads
- Data Visualization of Intersection's Safety Issues
- Comparison with Other Dangerous Intersections in Southern California
- Notable Landmarks and Businesses near the Intersection
- FAQs in Relation to Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard Dangerous Intersection
- Conclusion
Understanding the Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard Intersection
The intersection of Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard is notorious in Southern California. It's been dubbed one of the most dangerous intersections due to its high traffic volume, complex layout, and accident history.
Located in a particularly busy part of Los Angeles, this junction saw 36 crashes with 32 injuries within just one year. The number may seem startling but it's not surprising when you consider that thousands of registered motor vehicles pass through daily.
This area has received a danger score as high as 132.00. This rating isn't given lightly - it takes into account factors such as collision records and vehicle count at each location.
The Role of Traffic Volume in Intersection Safety
Traffic volume plays an essential role in determining an intersection's safety levels. Higher numbers often equate to increased risks for drivers.
In densely populated areas like LA where there are more cars on the road than open spaces, things can get tricky fast. Factor in distractions like cell phones or navigation systems and you have a recipe for disaster.
To combat these dangers at major junctions such as Firestone Blvd and Lakewood Blvd requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders: city planners must design safer roads while law enforcement needs stricter rules implementation plus public education about responsible driving habits becomes crucial too.
Factors Contributing to the Danger Score of the Intersection
The danger score at Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard intersection isn't a number plucked out of thin air. It's a result of detailed analysis, including data from over 435,000 collision records in 2015 alone.
Statewide Integrated Traffic Records plays a significant role in determining this score. By keeping track of motor vehicles involved in accidents across California, it helps paint an accurate picture about which intersections are more likely to be accident hotspots.
The traffic volume also has its part to play. Higher numbers mean higher chances for incidents like pedestrian accidents or car collisions in Los Angeles - that's just playing odds. At our infamous intersection, there were 36 crashes recorded resulting in 32 injuries back then.
Analyzing Registered Motor Vehicles Data
Taking into account registered motor vehicle data is another key factor when assessing intersection safety. A high number means lots more cars zooming around - upping the risk factor significantly.
You might wonder why we're going so deep into these details? Well, because knowing what makes an intersection dangerous can help us figure out how to make it safer - knowledge is power after all.
A Deeper Dive Into Collision Records
To really get under the skin of this problem though, let's take a closer look at collision records. This doesn't sound like your idea of fun? Trust me; once you start seeing patterns and understanding trends behind those scary stats… well okay I won't say it becomes fun but definitely interesting (and important.). Plus being able see through jargon-heavy reports gives you some serious street cred with fellow road users.
So, there you have it - the secret sauce behind a danger score. Stay tuned for more road safety insights.
By diving into the data, we can spot patterns and develop effective strategies to reduce accidents. It's all about using this knowledge proactively. When we understand what makes an intersection dangerous, it gives us a fighting chance to transform it into a safer place for everyone.
Analysis of the Intersection's Location and Surrounding Roads
One such road, Imperial Highway, channels a hefty volume of vehicles into this intersection.
Nordhoff Street and Devonshire Street also feed into this complex intersection's issues. With their considerable vehicular activity, they amplify congestion levels at our focus intersection. Downey tying with Lancaster for third place with 11 intersections on the list further illustrates how these surrounding roads affect traffic safety in the area.
Let's not forget Reseda Boulevard too. It serves as another significant contributor to vehicle numbers in the area. It is likely that heavy inflow from Reseda leads to increased risk at busy hours.
Pondering Other Influential Factors
We mustn't overlook geographical aspects while examining this dangerous intersection. The flat terrain around it allows drivers to maintain high speeds leading up to it - a recipe for disaster when combined with heavy flow during peak hours.
The proximity to major establishments like schools or shopping centers can cause abrupt increases in pedestrian movement - another crucial factor increasing danger scores at crossings like these.
Data Visualization of Intersection's Safety Issues
Using data visualization, we can get a clearer understanding of the safety issues at the Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard intersection. Let's explore how data visualization can help us gain insight into the safety issues at the Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard intersection.
Understanding the Danger Score
The danger score is a metric that reflects an intersection's potential risk to motorists. The higher it is, the more dangerous an intersection could be considered. For example, OptiMap, a reputable data visualization firm, assigns each intersection with a unique danger score based on various factors like traffic volume and accident history.
This system has revealed some alarming trends in Southern California intersections. In fact, Los Angeles had 221 intersections making it onto OptiMap's list for high-risk areas. So when you hear about our primary topic - Firestone Blvd and Lakewood Blvd having a 'danger score' of 132 - know that it isn't just numbers; these figures represent real risks faced by drivers every day.
A closer look at Statewide Integrated Traffic Records also highlights similar findings reinforcing why we need to fix these safety issues urgently. The large number of motor vehicles using this particular crossing exacerbates its problems further. As commuters ourselves who regularly navigate through such risky intersections, we understand firsthand the significance behind these statistics - they are not merely digits but stark reminders urging us towards safer driving practices.
Comparison with Other Dangerous Intersections in Southern California
It's a fact that the Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard intersection is dangerous, but it isn't alone. Other dangerous intersections in Southern California, such as Florence Avenue, Van Nuys Boulevard, Winnetka Avenue, Temecula Road, and Washington Boulevard present their own unique challenges.
The Pearblossom Highway and Sierra Highway junction in Palmdale has had its fair share of sorrow. Tragically recording three fatalities – an unfortunate statistic shared with Bridge Street and Gilman Springs Road crossing in Moreno Valley. These stark figures remind us that road safety needs to be everyone's concern.
Safety isn't just about obeying traffic rules; it also involves understanding the potential dangers around us when driving or walking near busy intersections. While most people understand basic road safety rules like stopping at red lights or yielding to pedestrians on crosswalks - these aren't always enough.
We can make our roads safer by increasing awareness about dangerous intersections. It might seem overwhelming considering the vast number of problematic spots across SoCal from Balboa boulevard to Roscoe boulevard - yet every effort counts towards making our streets less treacherous for all users: drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike.
Taking Action against Danger
We don't need more statistics; we need action. How about initiating local community drives focusing on education around traffic laws? Or maybe advocating for infrastructure improvements such as better lighting or advanced warning signs at high-risk locations?
Beyond individual efforts though there's room for more substantial change too - let's start holding reckless drivers accountable through stricter law enforcement and judicial action. It's time to change the narrative from ‘accidents happen' to 'let's prevent accidents.'
Firestone and Lakewood Boulevard isn't the only dangerous intersection in SoCal. Other areas like Florence Avenue, Van Nuys Boulevard, Winnetka Avenue also have their own hazards. The key to safety is not just following traffic rules but understanding potential dangers around us when driving or walking near busy intersections. It's crucial we shed more light on these risky spots, extending our focus beyond Balboa boulevard for comprehensive safety awareness.
Notable Landmarks and Businesses near the Intersection
This busy intersection is home to a variety of landmarks, which add to its charm but also influence traffic volume. The Kaiser Permanente Downey Medical Center, one of California's largest health care companies, sits just blocks away.
Healthcare professionals rushing in for their shifts or patients visiting this healthcare hub can cause unexpected spikes in traffic. This leads us to think about how these landmarks could be contributing factors towards making Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard a dangerous intersection.
Impact of Apollo Space Program on Traffic Volume
A bit further from the immediate vicinity lies an impressive landmark - NASA's Johnson Space Center. It played host to significant moments in history such as the Apollo space program. While it may not directly affect daily traffic patterns now, special events at the center do draw large crowds causing congestion around this junction.
Beyond Kaiser Permanente and NASA's historic site, another unique attraction plays its part - The oldest operating McDonald's restaurant.
You heard that right. Located on Lakewood Blvd., you'll find yourself looking at what appears like a time capsule - housing memories of simpler times with burgers and shakes galore. Now imagine weekend families or nostalgic tourists adding into your everyday commuter mix.
Suffice it say, all these locations increase vehicle numbers significantly around our focus area - resulting in increased risks associated with high-traffic volumes.
FAQs in Relation to Firestone Boulevard and Lakewood Boulevard Dangerous Intersection
Which one is the riskiest type of intersection?
T-intersections top the list for danger due to poor visibility, tricky turning angles, and higher crash potential.
What is the most safe intersection?
The safest intersections usually have traffic lights or roundabouts. They're designed with clear signage, proper lighting, and pedestrian-friendly features.
Why are intersections dangerous?
Intersections pose risks because they force multiple lanes of moving cars to intersect. Poor visibility, reckless driving or walking can spark accidents here easily.
We've navigated through high traffic volumes, registered motor vehicles in abundance, and a frightening history of collisions. We helped explain how all these factors add to its ominous danger score.
Data from Statewide Integrated Traffic Records has given us hard facts - chilling reminders of what can go wrong at such intersections. Then we compared this hotspot with other hazardous crossroads across Southern California.
In addition, we considered landmarks nearby that impact traffic flow: healthcare giants like Kaiser Permanente or historical gems like the oldest operating McDonald's restaurant. Remembering that even attractions could turn into distractions on roads.
If you have been injured in a California car accident, our experienced injury attorneys can help. We offer a no win, no fee guarantee and have an impressive 97.4% success rate. Call or fill out our form to receive your free case evaluation today.
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