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Injured Workers' Rights Blog

Benefits of Choosing a Small Firm for Your Personal Injury Case

Posted by Emily Ruby | Aug 03, 2022 | 0 Comments

benefits of choosing a small law firm for personal injury case

If you have suffered a serious personal injury as the result of a traumatic event, you are probably looking for a personal injury lawyer to represent you. In such cases, injured victims and their families tend to believe that larger firms mean bigger settlements or better results. However, this is often not true. A personal injury case requires individual attention and commitment to your case that a boutique law firm such as Greenberg and Ruby Injury Attorneys, APC can offer. There are a number of benefits and advantages to consider if you hire a smaller firm to work on your personal injury case.

High Level of Dedication

In a boutique law firm, your case will likely get and retain the legal team's attention. In a larger firm, your case may be passed around to paralegals and attorneys at every stage. At Greenberg and Ruby, our attorneys will be dedicated to your case, which helps ensure that your case proceeds as quickly as possible.

Better Level of Focus

While larger firms may have more lawyers, they may also have a larger volume of cases to deal with, which means they may have less time to spend on one case because of their hectic schedule. Lawyers in smaller firms may also be able to provide one-on-one interaction with you, the client. Working with a smaller firm may also mean that you'll deal with an attorney who has a good understanding of your case. At a boutique law firm like Greenberg and Ruby, you will enjoy a unique relationship where your attorney will make every effort to fight for every client.

Commitment to Your Success

A small firm is likely to be more committed to your success because we know that our success hinges on your success. At Greenberg and Ruby, we work on a contingency fee basis, which means we don't charge you any upfront costs or fees unless we recover compensation for you. Large firms may not necessarily put in that time and energy into each and every case as a boutique firm might. That's because we value each and every case.

Personalized Treatment

In our firm, we know each and every client personally. We take the time to hear every small detail about your case. We miss nothing and take no detail for granted. You will meet with our lawyers and will have the opportunity to communicate with them directly. You will be able to ask questions and receive prompt responses. It is highly unlikely that this individual attention you get from a smaller firm like Greenberg and Ruby can ever be matched by a larger firm.

Better Communication

One of the most common complaints you will hear about large firms is that they are hard to reach. A personal injury case could potentially go on for a long time. There may be weeks or months when nothing moves in your case. And this waiting can be extremely anxiety-inducing. With our attorneys, you have the assurance that we will keep you posted on what's happening with your case. You won't be left wondering and you will know exactly how and where to reach us.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Attorneys at a large firm may not be able to respond to you or handle your case after hours. As a small firm, we are more flexible because we only take on select clients. We are happy to work around your schedule. We understand that personal injury clients have special needs. For example, if you are injured and unable to take public transportation or drive to our office, we will make every attempt to come to you. We are also happy to work around your schedule.

Specialized Knowledge and Experience

Boutique law firms are also likely to have special areas of expertise in personal injury law. If you have suffered an injury on the job, you want a lawyer who has specific experience in that area. You want an injury attorney on your side who has thorough knowledge of every law relating to workplace injuries and who stays up to date on not just laws, but also court procedures.

Caring and Sensitive Representation

If you have a suffered a personal injury, you are not only suffering physically and financially, but also emotionally. If you have lost a loved one, you are going through grief and anxiety. We understand the totality of our clients' circumstances. We know that you are probably going through what may be the most difficult and challenge time in your life. Our lawyers and staff always have this in the back of our mind and it shows in the way we treat our clients and their family members. We genuinely care.

If you or a loved one has suffered a personal injury, the experienced and knowledgeable Los Angeles personal injury attorneys at Greenberg and Ruby Injury Attorneys, APC are here to serve you. We will help guide you through what could be a complicated legal process. We will fight for your rights every step of the way and help you secure justice and maximum compensation for your losses while holding the at-fault parties accountable. Call us at (323) 782-0535 for a free consultation and comprehensive case evaluation.

About the Author

Emily Ruby

2022 "Women in Law" Award Winner, Emily Ruby, specializes in complex cases, many of which involve catastrophic injuries and deaths. Mrs. Ruby has personally obtained more than $100 Million in compensation for her clients with an impressive 97.4% success rate and is a graduate of the prestigious CAALA Trial Academy. She was selected as one of Forbes' Best Wrongful Death Lawyers and is a writer for Advocate Magazine.


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